I had actually decided to focus on finishing the first book in my fantasy project this fall, but sometimes it doesn't go as planned. A bartender moved into my head and demanded I write about him. Just yesterday he got company in a nerdy woman. I think this might be my nanoproject, if I manage to get enough background and story down before november.
I have prolonged my maternity leave, with the hope of manage to finish at least one of my many, many projects. I have some problems with getting some routines regarding the writing down, though. The baby's sleeping routines aren't as set as they used to, and it seems like she's all about power napping at the moment. Sure, if she falls asleep on me, and gets to stay there, she'll sleep for at least an hour, but I can't really get much done when she's in my arms. :P
I have gotten some writing on the fantasy project done too, even if the bartender is shouting the loudest at the moment. It's a part in the book that is sad, which is a good part to write now, since my husbands grandfather died last week and we are all sad about that.
For Swedish.
30 september 2016
När det plötsligt släpper
Egentligen hade jag bestämt mig för att fokusera på att skriva klart första boken i mitt fantasyprojekt i höst, men det blir inte alltid som man tänkt sig. Det flyttade in en bartender i mitt huvud istället. Tillsammans med en lite nördig donna, hon dök upp precis nyss. Jag tror att de får bli mitt nanoprojekt om jag får ihop tillräckligt med bakgrund innan det är dags.
Jag har även förlängt min mammaledighet, just med förhoppningen att jag ska hinna slutföra minst ett av mina många, alldeles för många, projekt jag har liggande. Jag har lite svårt att få rutin på skrivandet dock. Dottern har inte kommit in i några bra sova-på-dagen-rutiner. Förut sov hon innan lunch och efter lunch. Just nu är hon inne i en period då hon powernappar. Visst, hon kan sova länge om hon får sova på mig, men det går ju då inte att göra så mycket annat under tiden hon sover då.
Jag har skrivit en del på fantasyprojektet, även om bartenderns röst är högljuddast. Det är en del av boken som är rätt sorglig, vilket just nu passar bra då makens morfar gick bort förra veckan och vi är alla ledsna över det.
For English
Jag har även förlängt min mammaledighet, just med förhoppningen att jag ska hinna slutföra minst ett av mina många, alldeles för många, projekt jag har liggande. Jag har lite svårt att få rutin på skrivandet dock. Dottern har inte kommit in i några bra sova-på-dagen-rutiner. Förut sov hon innan lunch och efter lunch. Just nu är hon inne i en period då hon powernappar. Visst, hon kan sova länge om hon får sova på mig, men det går ju då inte att göra så mycket annat under tiden hon sover då.
Jag har skrivit en del på fantasyprojektet, även om bartenderns röst är högljuddast. Det är en del av boken som är rätt sorglig, vilket just nu passar bra då makens morfar gick bort förra veckan och vi är alla ledsna över det.
For English
06 september 2016
Meet the authors of Beyond the Friend Zone
Have you grown tired of my nagging, yet? Enough to buy the anthology just to know what the fuss is all about? I sure hope so. I'm not backing down yet. The weekend leading up to the release yesterday brought you "interviews" with almost everyone of the authors behind Beyond the Friend Zone. Below you'll find teasers that are linked to the blog post about said author.
I'm so proud of what we've achieved. Such a variety of stories, but on the same theme.
01 september 2016
Meet Sheri Williams and Mechanics of Love from #beyondthefriendzone
Sheri Williams is, in her own words, an author who suffers from self diagnosed Author Multiple Personality Disorder. She started writing Romance, sweet and sexy, and has since started Gothic Horror, with a side project in Psychological Horror.
As well as being a writer, she is a wife, a mom, a geek. When not writing she can be found playing outside with her two daughters or binging on BBC shows on Netflix. She is currently working on multiple projects, ranging from romance to horror. Keep an eye on the website and on the upcoming newsletter to stay in the loop.
Sheri is one of the fantabulous authors of the Writing Wenches and we've hung out online for little more than a year now. She's totally awesome. You can stalk her at twitter, facebook, and website.
Sheri is in Beyond the Friend Zone with the cute story about Nora and Olly, Mechanics of Love. When Nora's business starts to fail, she looks to her best friend Olly to help her out, but he wants to help her out of more than her business woes. Can best friends who work together also play together?
The story totally sets the tone for the whole anthology, not only since it's the opening one, but it's spot on the theme. And I totally have a thing for guys with long, red hair...
Beyond the Friend Zone is available on pre-order now and releases on Monday September 5th. Be sure to check it out to fill your last days of summer with romance.
Check out what Sheri wrote about my novella Hannah's Folly here!
As well as being a writer, she is a wife, a mom, a geek. When not writing she can be found playing outside with her two daughters or binging on BBC shows on Netflix. She is currently working on multiple projects, ranging from romance to horror. Keep an eye on the website and on the upcoming newsletter to stay in the loop.
Sheri is one of the fantabulous authors of the Writing Wenches and we've hung out online for little more than a year now. She's totally awesome. You can stalk her at twitter, facebook, and website.

The story totally sets the tone for the whole anthology, not only since it's the opening one, but it's spot on the theme. And I totally have a thing for guys with long, red hair...
Beyond the Friend Zone is available on pre-order now and releases on Monday September 5th. Be sure to check it out to fill your last days of summer with romance.
Check out what Sheri wrote about my novella Hannah's Folly here!
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